I wanted to give a report on my first THSCC RallyCross as THSCC President.  Actually, it was my first RallyCross ever! It was May 6th at the Wilson County Fairgrounds. The first thing to report is how fun it was. I arrived at 8:30am and was immediately greeted by about 4 people.  I was shown the Miata I would be driving (basically a stock NA with snow tires). I walked around trying to see what would help me, asked questions, and looked at the agility poles which are used as cones strewn around the course. It was then time to drive, so I rode with Joe Gavis to get a feeling on how to drive. Then it was my turn. Duane Black jumped in to give me some pointers.  It is very different to drive with no grip - but fun.  I did a recon run then 6 timed runs which all count. Touching poles count for 2 seconds although with all the dust flying behind the car, a wiggly pole can get lost. :-) It is a blast sliding around trying to balance between too much throttle and "OOPs I have grip."  

This is something I would encourage everyone to try.  Everyone was welcoming, I had 7 runs and was home by 3pm. Thanks to Joe Gavis, Duane Black and the RallyCross staff.