The smooth Wilson County Fairgrounds site is easy on cars, and the course features some of the fastest speeds and widest sweeping turns our program offers. This is one of our longest-used and most popular sites, dating back to the earliest days of the THSCC RallyCross program! Expects more attendance than any other location! This site is relatively flat and the courses here are great for daily drivers and novices. We frequently break for lunch for a run to historic Parker's BBQ.
This site has permanent bathroom facilities. Camping can be arranged, but please speak to the RallyCross Vice Presidents several days in advance for site specific requirements.
Difficulty: Beginner
- Mostly level
- Many slaloms
- Gravel
- Some dirt
Recommended Setup:
- Metal skid plate
- Stock ride height
2331 US-301, Wilson, NC 27893
For any questions, contact the RallyCross Vice Presidents at