AutoX Officer Roles and Responsibilities



THSCC AutoX VP Responsibities:(3)


-Arrange AutoX schedule and work dates and contracts with respective sites.

-Set up bus day and ensure that all officers order supplies needed for the coming season.

- (Bus Day) Check that there is sufficient paper and pens for coming season.

- Make sure that the PA and other equipment is working and stowed where it can be found.

-Vote/suggest heel of the month for club meeting.

-Generate trophy artwork for Christmas party.

-Generate autocross presentation for Christmas party.

-Help investigate potential new sites for safety/feasibility as needed.

-Input schedule and make updates to events on MSR.

-Be the point of contact for charity events such as Jimmy V. Ensure that we are meeting the legal and ethical expectations of the charity.

-Help round up prizes for Jimmy V prize raffle and Christmas party.

-Provide codes for free entries as needed to event chairs and to those who have won free events.


Responsibilities for GMing an event:


-Identify event chair, make sure they complete a dash plaque and get it to Vincent at least 2 weeks before the event.

-Identify bus driver for the event. Worth noting, the club will comp a hotel room for the bus driver and up to 2 event chairs as well as the GM (share rooms when possible though).

-Manage entry to the site (pick up the key for Danville and make sure it gets back to the office after, get the gate code for NCCAR, manage blocking off the lot at Cary).

-Schedule portajohns when appropriate (not needed for NCCAR, for Danville we use a service called Handy Johns as they know how to access the site, and for Cary we used a company called A Sanican last time, but whoever is cheapest).

-Be present for course setup and assure safety of the course design, make sure people are behaving properly on setup day and delegate all the necessary set up tasks (course setup, timer setup, worker station setup, positioning of the bus, etc).

-Assure that the necessary staff positions for the event are covered (registrar, worker coordinator, novice coordinator, tech), solicit volunteers to cover them if we are missing any.

-Set up facebook events and Motorsportsreg events (You must be capable of learning to navigate MSR from an admin perspective if you aren't familiar with it).

-Manage relationship with site people while we are there (for Danville, there is very little to worry about, for NCCAR, Sam is usually very friendly and fine).

-Determine with Worker Coordinator the number of run groups to assure that worker stations are fully staffed and that worker shifts are of a reasonable length of time. This is especially important on hot summer days.

-Perform drivers meeting.

- Determine the quantity of runs by the conclusion of the second runs in the first heat.

-Keep the schedule of the event moving while you are there so that we can get started close to the posted schedule and get home at a reasonable hour

-Present trophies at the conclusion of the event

-Autocross report at meeting for the meeting following an event you GM'd

-Autocross report for the newsletter for events/months that you GM'd

- Ensure that Treasurer (Mary Johnson) gets the insurance info set up and to the site contacts.

- Next event GM Purchases supplies to replenish stock and delivers them to their event.


Our contacts for current sites:


Danville Airport   Lisa Bevins 434-799-5110

NCCAR   Sam True 252-308-0516

Cary Towne Center   Alexis Johnson   919-467-0145 (Contact Mark Frank at the Triangle Aquatics Center for a heads up. )

VMP Gail Buyalos  804-862-3174


Worker Coordinators (2):

- Must attend the bus day to inventory WC equipment.

- Check all radios and order new as necessary.

- Check supplies, makes sure that there are sufficient radio batteries to last the season, AA and AAA.

- Make sure that there are sufficient waiver forms both adult and minor.

- Make sure that there are sufficient pens, Tech colored dot sticker, and wristbands


Day of event:

- Previous to the event get two volunteers to work gate, 1st gate at 7:30 2nd at 8:30. Gate closes at 9:30 Make sure that gate workers have yours and GM's cell numbers to get additional help if there is a long line at the gate. Give gate worker assignment preference to older or competators with special needs. 

- Have gate box set up for the next event, Clipboard, waivers, pens, wrist bands, and tech stickers for season tech holders. At NCCAR make sure that we have sufficient NCCAR waivers at the gate.

- Ensure that sufficient water is available and buy ice. (getting additional water may be deligated)

- Fill worker stations ice chests with ice, water, and chalk. Distribute ice chests to worker stations and ensure that they are replenished as needed throughout the day.

- Check that the radios have enough battery capacity for the whole day. If one bar, then replace.

- Set up worker table and shade if desired. Take it down and stow gear at the end of the event.

- Ensure that sufficient worker stations are set up and that they have cones, flags, and radios.

- Define the number of run groups and classes to be run in each. Review and get approval from GM. (That's were your workers come from.)

- Manage worker changeovers during the event, make sure all workers are recalled after their shift, and cover any worker stations that are not staffed. Report anyone who doesn't come to work to T&S.


- After the event send GM an email to and  CC: with a list of what supplies need replenishment.   

Chief of Tech:(2)

- (Bus Day) make sure that there are sufficient yearly inspection stickers and day of inspection dots to last the season.

- Print enough annual inspection forms to cover the first 3 autocrosses.

Day of event:

- Conduct Tech inspections starting 8:00 till 9:00 AM for those events that have the first car off by 10:00 and 9:30 till 10:30 for those that have the first car off at 12:00 PM.




- Manage MSR registration.

- Provide timely replies to participants who email you with issues and resolve them as best as possible, nicely.

- Manage the funds on MSR and the on site cash collection. Ensure that funds get transferred to Treasurer in a timely manner.


Day of event:

- Import MSR data into AXWare the night before the event (this can also be done by chief of T&S if they have the computer)

- Bring $100 in $5 bills to the event for petty cash.

- Create preregistered & prepaid list for posting on the side of the bus

- Conduct registration starting at 8:00 till 8:45 AM for those event that have the first car off by 10:00 and 10:00 till 11:00 AM for those that have the first car off at 12:00 PM.

- Update any changes to participant classing and numbering.

- Manage ticket sales for raffle event days. Work with WC to create worker positions for this if necessary.

- Deposit money from the event within 1 week of the event. Charge cards on MSR the day of the event.


Timing and Scoring:


- (Bus Day) Check that all timing and scoring equipment is functional. This includes the PC and the printer. Make arrangements for any repairs or replacements. Order any supplies necessary including printer ink.


Day of event:

- Obtain staffing for the full day and inform Worker Coordinator whom they are.

-Set up equipment and ensure that it is functioning.

- Help debug any timing and scoring issues as they come up throughout the day (with the help of the GM's.) The timing equipment should be tested and functional 30 minutes before first car off.

- Work your T and S shift.

- Get worker coordinator to assign auditors and ensure that audits are conducted when event is half over and at the end of the day.

-Present printed results sheet in a timely manner to GM for trophy presentation. (Goal to have this completed 15 minutes after the last car has run.)

- Post results to THSCC website and update forums and FB page when they are posted. Ideally these are to be posted within 2 days of the event if at all possible.


Novice Coordinators:

- Plan and run the novice school as well as be the Chair for points event that occurs that weekend.


Day of event (2):

- Conduct Novice walks at every event at 8:45 and do so in such a manner that it will conclude before the drivers meeting begins, usually by 9:30 AM.

- Explain the driving line and the strategy to support it.

- Explain to novices the different cone calls and when to call a DNF. ( Most novices don't understand why they DNF'd)

- Be clear about what to do at a gate, pointer cone, slalom entry, and etc.

- Reinforce that if you think that you are going to spin or loose control of the car, put both feet in until control has returned.

- Make sure that they know that they must always pass through the finish line at the end of a run even if it's a blown run.

- Find experienced drivers who are willing to be Novice Taxis and distribute the taxi magnets

- Make sure that novices know that they can ride with experienced drivers and the value of doing so.

- Ensure that every novice has the oportunity to ride along with an experienced driver before their first run.

- Make sure that any novice who wants an instructor to ride along has one.

- Be available in grid for every run group

- Do everything that has been left off of this list that you believe will help novices improve.