THSCC Sponsors:

Apex Performance
Atlantic AutoExchange
Automotive Performance
   and Chassis
Black Forest Industries
Cline Hall Agency
Competition Cages
F&S Enterprises
Greazy Todds Garage
Hart Investment Management
Rush Hour Karting
Tidewater Z Auto Service
Tire Rack

KNS Brakes

Triangle Imports

THSCC thanks our sponsors for their support:

Apex Performance



Atlantic Auto                              Exchange



214 Hillsboro Street #103, Cary, NC 27513

TireRack Installer, Road Force Balancing, Spec Alignments
Corner Balancing and Track Preparations, Brake System Flushes and more!
THSCC discount - 10% off services!




Black Forest Industries
Black Forest Industries
1000 E. Chatham St.
Cary, N.C. 27511 
Phone: (919) 468 – 5400
Fax (919) 859 – 9734



Cline Hall Agency

Competition Cages




F and S                              Enterprises



GTG banner web 500





Hart                            Investment Management



 TriangleImports Logovector


Rush Hour Karting









ZDayZ 2016 Logo


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and Accessories from
Tire Rack HERE
The Tire Rack - Performance                              Specialists